Chairman's Message

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

Dear esteemed members, partners, and visitors,

Welcome to the official website of the African Islamic Chamber of Trade and Commerce (AICTC). As the Chairman of this esteemed organization, I am honored to address you and share our vision and commitment to the Global Islamic business community.

At AICTC, we are dedicated to promoting trade, economic development, and Islamic principles within the Global business landscape. Our mission is to create an enabling environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and prosperity for The Global Muslim community.

Through advocacy, representation, and strategic partnerships, we aim to address the needs and interests of the Global Islamic business community. We aim to actively engage with governments, regional organizations, and international bodies to ensure a favorable business environment that supports our members' success.

AICTC recognizes the significance of Halal products and services in the global market. We are committed to promoting and endorsing Halal certification, enhancing consumer confidence, and facilitating access to Halal markets. By doing so, we aim to support the growth and recognition of Halal industries.

Islamic finance is a powerful tool for economic growth and financial inclusion. AICTC will actively promote the development and adoption of Islamic finance principles and practices in Africa and Globally. We aim to collaborate with financial institutions, governments, and regulatory bodies to create conducive frameworks and opportunities for Islamic finance growth.

Capacity building and empowerment are at the core of our mission. AICTC aims to provide training programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives to enhance skills, knowledge, and entrepreneurship. Through these initiatives, we aim to contribute to sustainable economic development and create a skilled and empowered workforce.

Networking, collaboration, and market research are essential for business success. AICTC aims to facilitate networking opportunities, encourages collaboration among members, and conducts market research to provide valuable insights and strategic guidance. By fostering connections and sharing knowledge, we aim to enhance competitiveness and promote innovation.

In the digital era, AICTC recognizes the importance of digital infrastructure for economic growth. We aim to facilitate the development of digital economy infrastructure, including e-commerce platforms, digital payment systems, and technology-driven solutions. Through these efforts, we seek to enhance efficiency, access, and competitiveness for businesses in the digital age.

As the Chairman of AICTC, I assure you that we remain dedicated to our mission and will tirelessly work towards the prosperity and empowerment of the Global Islamic business community. We invite you to explore our website, engage with our initiatives, and join us in building a vibrant and inclusive economic landscape.

Thank you.

Meka-ilu Mbashowoh
Chairman, African Islamic Chamber of Trade and Commerce (AICTC)