About Us

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Welcome to the African Islamic Chamber of Trade & Commerce (AICTC), a dynamic organization dedicated to Empowering Muslim Businesses, Talent, and Youth, thus driving the growth of the African Muslim Economy. Our vision is to foster collaboration, innovation, and best trade practices among Muslim entrepreneurs worldwide, while adhering to the principles of Shariah.

At AICTC, we have established a strong presence with Country, State, and City-wise Chapters, ensuring our reach extends to various regions, enabling us to cater to the diverse needs of our members. Our organization stands on the pillars of New Economic Models, Best Trade Practices, and Innovation, which provide our members with invaluable insights and opportunities for growth.

Join us at AICTC, where we believe that empowering Muslim businesses and entrepreneurs will lead to a stronger and more prosperous African Muslim economy. Together, we will create a thriving ecosystem that fosters growth, collaboration, and sustainable development for all our members.

Our main objectives are:

Trade Facilitation and Economic Development

Promote and facilitate trade activities among Members, both domestically and internationally, to drive economic development within its members and enhance their global competitiveness.

Halal Certification and Promotion

Establish and enforce robust halal certification standards to ensure the integrity of products and services in accordance with Islamic principles. Promote the benefits of halal trade, raise awareness among consumers, and support businesses in obtaining halal certification.

Advocacy and Representation

Act as a strong advocate for member interests in national and international forums. Engage with policymakers, governments, and regulatory bodies to shape favorable trade policies, regulations, and infrastructure.

Islamic Finance Promotion and Development

Facilitate collaborations with financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and industry stakeholders to expand access to Islamic finance, support Sharia-compliant financing options, and drive financial inclusion.

Our main objectives are:

Capacity Building and Empowerment

Provide training, education, and capacity-building programs to enhance the skills and capabilities of individuals and businesses within and out of the AICTC. Offer workshops, seminars, and resources on Islamic finance, trade practices, entrepreneurship, and business management.

Networking, Collaboration, and Market Research

Facilitate networking opportunities, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among members and Muslims to foster business growth and expansion. Organize trade fairs, conferences, and business matchmaking events to connect businesses and explore potential partnerships. Conduct market research and provide valuable insights to help members identify market trends, consumer preferences, and investment opportunities.

Facilitation of Digital Economy Infrastructure Development

Collaborate with technology companies, governments, and other stakeholders to develop and promote digital economy infrastructure in Africa and around the globe. This includes supporting the establishment of trade technology development zones and facilitating the adoption of digital trade platforms and technologies.