Empowering Muslims
Through Trade and Commerce

Our vision is to foster collaboration, innovation, and best trade practices among Muslim entrepreneurs worldwide.
And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves.
[Quran 3:103]

Our Objectives

We believe that empowering Muslim businesses and entrepreneurs will lead to a stronger and more prosperous African Muslim economy.

Trade Facilitation and Economic Development

Promote and facilitate trade activities among Members, both domestically and internationally...

Halal Certification and Promotion

Establish and enforce robust halal certification standards to ensure the integrity of products and services...

Advocacy and Representation

Act as a strong advocate for member interests in national and international forums. Engage with policymakers, governments...

Islamic Finance Promotion and Development

Facilitate collaborations with financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and industry stakeholders...

Capacity Building and Empowerment

Provide training, education, and capacity-building programs to enhance the skills and capabilities of individuals and businesses...

Networking, Collaboration, and Market Research

Facilitate networking opportunities, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among members and Muslims...

Facilitation of Digital Economy Infrastructure Development

Collaborate with technology companies, governments, and other stakeholders to develop and promote digital economy infrastructure...

Chairman's Message

At AICTC, we are dedicated to promoting trade, economic development, and Islamic principles within the Global business landscape. Our mission is to create an enabling environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and prosperity for The Global Muslim community.


Our Members

An Overview of the member countries across Africa

North Africa

North Africa is a region shaped by its history as the crossroads of civilizations. With a diverse economic landscape, it prominently features industries such as tourism, agriculture, and hydrocarbons. Proximity to the Mediterranean and a strong Islamic financial presence make it a vital player in both regional trade and international commerce.

  • Country A
  • Country B
  • Country C, etc...

Southern Africa

Southern Africa boasts a rich tapestry of landscapes from the Kalahari Desert to the vibrant ecosystems of South Africa. The region is a hub for mining, agriculture, and tourism, with a well-established financial sector supporting these industries. Southern Africa is integral to intra-African trade and contributes significantly to the continent's economic dynamics.

  • Country A
  • Country B
  • Country C, etc...

East Africa

East Africa is characterized by its dynamic cultural mosaic. With a growing economy fueled by technology, agriculture, and services, the region is witnessing a surge in Islamic finance activities. East Africa is a focal point for innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors, contributing to its status as a key player in the continent's economic landscape.

  • Country A
  • Country B
  • Country C, etc...

West Africa

West Africais marked by cultural diversity and economic vibrancy. The region plays a pivotal role in the global economy, driven by industries like oil and gas, agriculture, and mining. With a growing recognition of Islamic finance, West Africa serves as a strategic gateway for trade between Africa and the rest of the world.

  • Country A
  • Country B
  • Country C, etc...

Central Africa

Central Africa is characterized by lush rainforests and abundant biodiversity. The region is a key player in the oil and gas sector, with emerging opportunities in agriculture and infrastructure. Central Africa is actively pursuing economic diversification, and the integration of Islamic finance is becoming increasingly important in shaping its financial landscape.

  • Country A
  • Country B
  • Country C, etc...


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